
Leading Strategic Change
LeadershipIn this assignment I am tasked with discussing how I propose to lead strategic change. The obvious role for me to use as context for this is the company I founded, but I hope to be able to understand how to apply the same learning to organisations…

Inspirational Dependency in Leadership
LeadershipWhen I began the Strategic Leadership course I was conscious that as the Co-Founder and CEO of my organisation, my strengths and weaknesses as an individual were embedded in our company culture. Work with the team and an external consultant…

All She Needs
Healing the Whole
Having a child is the most selfish thing you can do. Raising a child is the most selfless.
I thought a lot about becoming a parent. I had plenty of time to. I lost twins when I was 28, another baby at 29, and finally had my…

The First Step
Healing the WholeI have been thinking a lot about this recently. How hard the first step is for those around me to take. Is it because, like Martin Luther King predicted, we want to see the whole staircase?
I take a lot of first steps. I seem to be good at…

Fallen Angel
Healing the Whole
I have a recurring dream. It's a nightmare really. I am always in the same house. It is a house I know but unlike any I have ever actually lived in. The house is huge and navigation between rooms is difficult. Staircases have been positioned…

The OK Cafe
Healing the Whole, The OK Cafe
"You ok?"
A stock phrase we often use as a greeting. See also "How's things?" or "What's up?" But in using them as a greeting I believe we risk forgetting what it is we are actually asking. And vice versa, when asked, we may lose the…

Reflections on 2017
Healing the Whole
I know I want to write this blog but it's a tough soul-baring one. Even more so than the entries here that have gone before! I plan to share this more publicly too because it's important. For me and for others.
My life coach asked recently…