Protecting My Strengths

I have always been interested in using and applying sports psychology techniques to my own experience and in particular I have often found myself looking at boxing. One of my favourite quotes is Mike Tyson’s famous “Everyone has a plan,…

Leading Strategic Change

In this assignment I am tasked with discussing how I propose to lead strategic change. The obvious role for me to use as context for this is the company I founded, but I hope to be able to understand how to apply the same learning to organisations…

Inspirational Dependency in Leadership

When I began the Strategic Leadership course I was conscious that as the Co-Founder and CEO of my organisation, my strengths and weaknesses as an individual were embedded in our company culture. Work with the team and an external consultant…

Interview: Mental Health & Small Business

I was privileged to take part in an interview on BBC's national radio show Wake up to Money in January 2020 on mental health in the workplace. This was directly following a Deloitte report that highlighted the £40 billion cost to business per…

Leading Through Uncertainty

In the Leading Through Uncertainty podcast, Jude Jennison interviews leaders from a variety of organisations on their experience of leading disruptive change, the challenges they have faced and how they overcome them. Episode 51: "Sarah…

Valuing The Jack of All Trades

I was dating a guy recently who is an electrical engineer. He came out of school in the mid-1990s and joined a YTS programme as a few of my friends did in the later ‘90s. He learnt a trade and now he’s self-employed and works predominantly…

Feeling Our Way

I was lucky recently to receive an acupressure massage from someone who knows what they are talking about when it comes to muscle training. He told me I had good leg stock (what a flirt!) but also gave me a body critique. I have far stronger…

Engaging the Next Generation

I am incredibly passionate about young people and helping every single child understand their potential. I dedicate much of my free time to this as a secondary school Governor, Industry Adviser, and Skills Champion. I go into schools and give…

Improving Performance

I have always loved the theory of marginal gains. It has worked for the British Cycling team since Beijing and it has been helping Emerald and our customers improve performance since 2009. Many of you will know I love running and marginal gains…